Monday, January 5, 2009

Incessant dripping

Incessant dripping
Out of our leaky faucet
Is making me SCREAM!

-- Leah Minamide

1 comment:

  1. leah? this is phil. philip white from nccs.
    i'm sorry i was so fucked up back then. I though you were an angel or something though.
    glad to hear you got married. I'm trying to piece together the lost memories of my past, and want to find some christians who still exist and know god like i do. so please get in touch with me somehow, if you're ever able to see this. look me up on facebook. i go by the alias "Dirk Tavistock" for my own protection. or call me. on my house phone 7607458076. i don't care if the whole internet sees that. everybody knows everything anyway, right? I need a reality check, to make sure my childhood really happened, even if it was as fucked up as i thought it was, or as fucked up as i made it... i don't know. i'm sorry if i ever said anything terrible to you or about you, or around you. I want to make amends and try to tie some strings back together that have been cut for so long I can't even remember when I learned how to get out of the musical that one year. well, i kinda remember. that school was hell, huh. sorry. i wish better things for you and your kids, apparently. love you. God loves you. Jesus is real. I tried to look you up on facebook, but you didn't show up. so i googled you and found this. might not even be the same Leah! but how many Leah Minamides can there be in america, really? ;)

    take care.
